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Plugin API


The Plugin API is very powerful. Tread carefully.

Zero guarantees or sandboxes are provided. Your code is run as-is.

This document details the very experimental plugin API available in Revite.

This is more or less a proof of concept but can be used to achieve some simple client modifications.

Plugin Manifest

Below is the specification for revision 1 of the plugin API. The format parameter is not currently enforced but you should set it to 1 to avoid future breakage.

type Plugin = {
* Plugin Format Revision
format: 1;

* Semver Version String
* This is the version of the plugin.
version: string;

* Plugin Namespace
* This will usually be the author's name.
namespace: string;

* Plugin Id
* This should be a valid URL slug, e.g. cool-plugin.
id: string;

* Entrypoint
* Valid Javascript code. It must be a function which returns a object.
* ```typescript
* function (state: State) {
* return {
* onClient: (client: Client) => {},
* onUnload: () => {}
* }
* }
* ```
entrypoint: string;

* Whether this plugin is enabled.
* @default true
enabled?: boolean;

An example plugin:

format: 1,
version: "0.0.1",
namespace: "insert",
id: "my-plugin",
entrypoint: `(state) => {
console.log('[my-plugin] Plugin init!');
return {
onClient: c => console.log('[my-plugin] Acquired Client:', c, '\\nHello', c.user.username + '!'),
onUnload: () => console.log('[my-plugin] bye!')

Using the Plugin API

To begin, you can load plugins using the global plugin manager at state.plugins.

Open the developer console and run:

state.plugins.load({ ... });
// ...where [...] is your plugin manifest as described above.

Plugin API

A plugin's entrypoint is required to return an object which is referred to as the instance:

interface Instance {
onClient?: (client: Client) => {};
onUnload?: () => void;

The Plugin API (state.plugins) exposes the following methods:

interface PluginAPI {
* Add a plugin
* @param plugin Plugin Manifest
add(plugin: Plugin);

* Remove a plugin
* @param namespace Plugin Namespace
* @param id Plugin Id
remove(namespace: string, id: string);

* Load a plugin
* @param namespace Plugin Namespace
* @param id Plugin Id
load(namespace: string, id: string);

* Unload a plugin
* @param namespace Plugin Namespace
* @param id Plugin Id
unload(namespace: string, id: string);

* Reset everything